What is First Seen and Last Seen Date?

What is First Seen and Last Seen Date?

The terms "First Seen" and "Last Seen" are frequently employed in the realm of cybersecurity and data protection. These terms denote the dates on which a security risk or asset was first identified and most recently observed during a security scan or monitoring procedure.

  • In Asset exposure, "First Seen" would denote the date when the asset was firstly detected, and "Last Seen" would indicate the date of the most recent observation of the asset. 
  • As an instance, suppose there is a suspected data leak. In this case, "First Seen" would signify the date when the initial detection of the data breach or unauthorized access was made, whereas "Last Seen" would refer to the date when the last observation of the breach or access was noted.
  • Likewise, when it comes to identifying vulnerabilities or security risks, "First Seen" would denote the date when the vulnerability was initially detected, and "Last Seen" would indicate the date of the most recent observation of the vulnerability.